From Just a Dirty Car to a Unique Canvas
This series pretty much speaks for itself. Artist Scott Wade takes dirty cars and uses tools like paint brushes to carefully remove ...
One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Canvas
I'm sure you've heard the phrase "One man's trash is another man's treasure" well I've slightly modified that to "One man's trash ...
Sky Art: The Rain Wizard
This piece is from French artist Thomas Lamadieu who creates illustrations from photographs using buildings and the negative space created by the ...
The Origins of Graffiti and Street Art
This infographic is a visual representation of the origins of graffiti and street art. I think the most important thing to look ...
The Best Looking Garage Sale Poster Design
This is the best looking garage sale poster design that I've ever seen. Granted, this is the only one I've seen that had ...
Painted Book Sculpture Designs
I've never seen or heard of anything quite like these painted book sculpture designs, but they really caught my attention. The artist, ...
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