Today’s first design inspiration is a really nifty use of shapes and letters to create a unique design. The design is named Hi(gh)! 5 and appears to be a logo design, however I couldn’t find any more information to verify that. At first, you may only see the Hi! with a line going through it. But at second glance, you can see some interesting line work coming into play to create a whole new design and meaning. The lines are actually tally marks which are segmented and using proximity, they actually represent letters.
If you take a look, the ‘i’ and the ‘!’ appear to actually be the same shape, simply turned upside down, creating a balance on the right hand side with the solid dark lines on the left used to create the vertical ‘H’ lines. The slash that goes through all letters, is the the 5th tally and the horizontal line in the ‘H’.
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